Monday, March 2, 2009

Ain't coming back anymore

Message sent (to date): Just go, don't have to think bout the memories. There is nothing sweet about to remember. Just get a better one, I bet you have got one already. Good luck, till here and take care B

We don't need time anymore, I'll move on. Our 7th month of love today, is also the end of us

Let's talk about love... Boy meets girl and looks into her eyes. Time stands still and two hearts catch fire. Off they go rollercoaster ride, up & down and around... Twisted all out their minds and then his friends said "it's too soon to settle down". And then her friends said "he's a playa, slow it down" They couldn't be who they were because it just seemed like love wasn't on their side. This would not be love, but it would be something precious, something perhaps even better than love, a friendship for which I had been and must ever be grateful.

You are the boy who grew up to play sports every week with fellow boys
You are the boy who would eat like a boy if you lived alone, living on potato chips and Pepsi
But you are a boy who is also a guy
You are the guy that had to bear all the craps
You are the guy that she impressed by eating through half a bucket of fried chicken and then do push ups straight away
You are the guy that had to be taught what relationships were and in turn taught her how to work hard in a relationship
You are the guy that believes, trusts and prays even when she has given up hope
You are the guy of her dreams and her greatest fear is to live without you.
Who are you? You are that guy and I am that girl.

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