Friday, February 27, 2009

Bad dreams

On this particular day, he had a bad dream and he sent: B, don't leave me... I had a bad dream, you left me and don't want to be with me anymore. Dreams can be true you know, I keep thinking negatively. My heart won't feel easy when you're not beside me.

Yet you are the one who left me and don't want to be with me anymore, even. I hope that dreams won't be that true. It's just the antonyms, instead of me being the one leaving you, you left me, all alone. Now my heart feels uneasy every single day.

Tears are such uncontrollable creatures. I tried taking in deep breaths, I tried not to blink, but they just came, spurred by the thought that you have left me. Have you ever cried so much, so sad that your heart starts to emit physical pain as well, like your heart is shedding tears? I had, because that was the first time I experienced that pain:Sharp, strong and like an emotionally-injected sting. I wondered if he had heard my plea, my love, his love, our love, my pain. Which single molecule is not a memory of him? When we were into our relationship then: There was no sign of any loss in love, and our relationship was as steady as a rock. We chatted with each other every night, and updated each other of our status almost every hour. But now, every trace of our relationship was gone; just like that. Don’t forget him. Just don’t remember him. Take away anything that reminds me of him: His pictures in my handphone, his photo in my room. I never forget true love: I just don’t remember. But everything reminds me of him.

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