Monday is the most dreaded day of the week.
It was raining. Not the simple sprinkling that had been falling for the past week, but more like a waterfall of raindrops, falling freely from the dark sky. Clouds were built up as if they were great walls, keeping the sunlight from shining down to the broken world. Thunder cracked across the lands. And lightning streaked along the dark, stormy sky. The only noise was of the rain falling to the stone beneath my feet and the thunder rumbling from the heavens above. My hair sagged down past my shoulders and hung across my face when I was walking home back from school. Sometimes, I do like the rain. Capable of washing away so many things; the dirt covering the grass, the litter stuck in the garden - and the infernal tears that always seemed to fall. It was a beautiful thing, and it had captivated me beyond belief. Today is Monday Blues, everyone
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