Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Four consecutive days

Aug 6
met up with Khairil, Syed and another friend to Double O, a very last minute plan.

Aug 7
3 years after their record-smashing album "We Are Not the Infadels", the immensely successful rock-dance crossover group finally hits our shores. Watch out as the Infadel DJs are coming to get you.

And guess what? I saw Khairul!

Some of the people I've met at Zouk were here too,
and some new friends.

Aug 8
ROTATE: Special K & Shawn Livewire

From far left to right: Ait, Yad, Khai, Razmin, Asyraf
From front left to right: Myself, Azam, Birdie Bird, Shahrir

Great ambience with great people

Aug 9
ONE-derland continues as the theme for 2009's series of ONE parties where it's all about the music and clubbers coming together to create a ONE-derland-esque vibe.

Photos will be up soon. See you party people around very soon... And I just forgot bout my O levels, just forget bout it!

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